The Full Story

Lack of affordable housing / Chronic homelessness
The City has no plan for our growing homelessness problem. We must create one right away. We need to incentivize public/private plans for the construction of affordable housing.
Public Safety
We must recruit and retain employees for a better public safety and services

Lack of transparency in leadership
We need to start holding our elected officials more accountable. We should start holding 12 community outreach meetings a year.
Streets, sidewalks, potholes and traffic issues
We must repair and maintain these dangerous sidewalks and potholes on our streets. We also need to resolve these traffic issues our city faces. We need to make roads like Boronda larger to decrease the traffic congestion that we all face there.

Prevention / after school programs
Your children are our future. Keeping them occupied with good and positive programs after school will help them grow in the right direction.
Better parks and
recreational facilities
Our parks, rec centers and restrooms are in major need of repairs. We need to make these repairs happen so we can get these city resources actually useful for the people of this city